August 18, 2016

Right now, beekeepers all over the country (and world!) are harvesting honey from their hives and enjoying every drop. We, too, have headed out to our apiary and pulled a few frames from particularly strong colonies. There really is nothing like fresh, raw honey straight from the bees themselves!

One of our favorite things about honey (besides that it is delicious) is its versatility. We use it in everything from salad dressings to barbeque marinades to tea and mead-- even in beauty products! There are so many ways to harvest it from your hive too! Abucket strainer system is  a simple, yet effective, approach, but you could also use an extractor, or a good old fashionedcomb slice and store set. Whether you enjoy the process, or like to keep it simple, we’ve got a solution sure to fit your honey harvest needs.

In celebration of honey harvesting season, we are holding a contest all week long. Getting involved is simple: just share a photo with us, on Facebook or Instagram, of how you most enjoy honey. Use the hashtag #MyHoneyMyWay and tag us @beethinking. We will choose a winner at random to win this honey-lover’s goodie bag!

You have until 11:59pm PST on Sunday, August 21 to enter, so grab your camera and get creative! “Bee” sure to follow us on social media @beethinking to see if you are the winner!!

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