This is my first hive, my first bees, they arrived from Tennessee to California with an unscheduled stop in Denver which added 3 days onto their trip and 3 days of stressful anticipation for me and the bees, not knowing what condition they were in I expected the worst. My bee supplier did a great job, both packages were alive and buzzing with, at the most, a dozen dead bees in each. The timing is perfect, the fruit trees, the tons of Rosemary we have, the fruiting bushes and the native flowering shrubs and 40 acres of wildflowers, at 2,500' elevation in the Panoche Hills. When the sun was out the next day the bees were covering everything and there were still many at the top feeders in the Warre hives. Today through the window to check on the health of the inside, they had plenty of comb started. I might open a window again in a week to check than I will leave the alone for a while. Aslong as they are happy and healthy, I am happy.