This time of year your hives tend to be full of bees and honey, inspecting is hot and tiring, and depending on location, you may be harvesting some honey already. Well fear not, we've just got in stock some of your favorite beekeeping accessories for Summer beekeeping!
Our local metalsmith who we've partnered with for many years and trust has worked tirelessly to crank out a bunch of great products our customers have been asking for, including: universal hive stands, side comb stands, solar wax melters, honeycomb crush and strain systems, Warre bar spacing tools, Langstroth mouse guards, and comb cutters.
Below are some of the most popular selections (in stock today in limited quantities) for your Summer beekeeping efforts. From honey harvest, to inspections, to wax processing, these tools will make your beekeeping life easier, and your bees happier.